No. 31, Winter 2020
This issue’s cover subject is the fine player/teacher/YouTube phenomenon Cynthia Lin, whose latest high-profile project is the trio U3, with two other uke-world stars, Lenny San Jose (Ukulenny) and Abe Lagrimas, Jr., who are also profiled. Heidi Swedberg writes about the power and importance of the Black anthem “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” and shares her solo uke arrangement of the song. Veteran British rock journalist Sylvie Simmons talks about her recovery from a horrific car accident, which delayed the making of her fantastic new album, Blue on Blue. We have two disparate uke culture articles: Sandor Nagyszalanczy shares some choice pieces from his massive collection of kitschy Ukulele Ephemera; and historian Jim Tranquada writes about the The Literary Ukulele—the little four-string in prose and poetry through the years.
Lessons and Songs
In addition to “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” you’ll find music and playing tips for the 1979 Police mega-hit “Message in a Bottle,” written by Sting and arranged for solo uke by Cynthia Lin; and “Blues on a Ukulele,” a charming number penned by Jim Beloff and Herb Ohta. Daniel Ward’s lesson digs deep into the increasingly popular Ukulele Bass; and Jim D’Ville reveals how knowing the Chromatic Solfege Scale can help your playing.
Gear Reviews
Two new from Córdoba: the 24C Spruce Concert and 24T-CE Spruce Tenor; the Fender Fullerton Tele concert; and the Flight Sophia Soundwave Tenor Electro-Acoustic .
James Hill’s new Uketropolis online teaching hub; Oceana Ukulele’s Zac Steimle; Great Ukes: John Grey & Sons’ English banjo ukes; and more